A collaborative research paper on exosome biogenesis by an autophagy-related
factor has been published in Nat Cell Biol.
Our review paper on quality and safety considerations for EV-therapeutic products has been published in Pharm Res.
Our paper identifying a new hybid gene LILRB5-3 has been published in Front Immunol.
A collaboration paper finding a mechanism by which denderitic cells activate
T cells via extracellular vesicles has been published in iScience.
Our paper developing a precise analytical method of single extracellular
vesicles using flow cytometry has been published in Sci Rep.
Our paper showing protective effect of exosomes on silica-induced cytotoxicity
has been published in Arch Biochem Biophys.
MassivEV is now available for high-purity large-scale isolation of EVs.
A collaborative research paper identifying a novel mechanism by which exosomes
create a pro-metastatic microenviroment has been published in Int J Cancer.
Our preprint manuscript on engineered EVs that modulate antigen-specific
anti-tumor immunity has been posted on bioRxiv.
A collaborative research paper unveiling the nanodynamics of extracellular
vesicle has been published in Anal Chem.
A collaborative research paper that validated the utility of serum microRNA
as a marker of osteosarcoma has been published in Oncol Lett.
Gen Hasegawa, a medical student, received the Best Presentation Award at
the 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology. link
Our paper that characterized the dynamic interaction between anti-SARS-CoV-2
spike neutralizing antibody and spike protein has been published in Nano Lett. link
A collaborative research paper that revealed the spatiotemporal tracking
of extracellular vesicle nanotopology has been published in J Extracell Vesicles. link
We are recruiting motivated graduate students. All students will receive
a scholarship from the university. Visit the website below for the information
about admission.
大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター 免疫ネットProf. HANAYAMA Rikinari
13-1 Takara, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8640, JAPAN
TEL +81-76-265-2725